Балалар еңбегін қанауға ЖОҚ дейік!


We live in a world of desire, entertainment and pleasure. Temptations surround us, starting from a young age, people arrange work in search of money. Due to social problems in society, such as poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction. Another reason for the exploitation of child labor, in my opinion, is the irresponsibility of parents and their frivolous attitude towards the upbringing of the younger generation. In 90% of cases, children do not understand their rights and, in search of earnings, take on any available job.

Dishonest employers engage in this ignorance by forcing young workers to work above the legal norms. This leads to dangerous and disastrous consequences for the child's body. According to Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, teenagers from 14 to 16 years old can work no more than 24 hours a week, children from 16 to 18 years old - no more than 36 hours a week. Any schedule exceeding these standards will incur punishment for the employer and a "bunch" of illnesses for children. Every child should be aware of their rights and responsibilities. Guys, take care of your health and do not endanger yourself and your loved ones!

Elmira Urazaeva, group VT-2-20.

The exploitation of child labor is work that poses a threat to the health, safety, morale of the child, as well as work that prevents the child from receiving an education.

I believe that engaging a young people in work is unacceptable, because in this way the rights of the child are violated and the conditions for the normal development of the child in accordance with his age and interests are not met.

Bereskaya Daria, group NO-2-20

The spread of child labor is one of the main problems of the modern world. All over the world, millions of children are engaged in the wrong work for them. This situation constitutes an intolerable violation of the rights of every child.

In my opinion, if a child helps his parents around the house or in the family business, learns a profession through practice, then we can say that this work contributes to his development. This is the worst and most unacceptable form of child labor.

Eremina Valentina, group NO-2-20

Колледжге тапсырылатын құжаттар:

-Білімі туралы құжат (түпнұсқа)
-Медициналық анықтама (075У-формасы)
-4 сурет (3х4)

Петропавл қ., Абай к-сі, 28 үй

e-mail: colmagzhan@mail.ru


Колледж сайты - colmagzhan.edu.kz

Документы для поступления:

-Документ об образовании (подлинник)
-Медицинская справка (075У)
-4 фотографии (3х4)

г. Петропавловск, ул. Абая 28

тел: 49-42-45, +7 777 894 2318

e-mail: colmagzhan@mail.ru


Сайт колледжа - colmagzhan.edu.kz


